
On this page, you can get a clam of your very own. Select one of the clams from the pictures and name it. Make sure you treat it right! Otherwise, it will go back to Snappy's Orphanage.
To adopt any clam please mail us at Thanks, and have a good night tonight and a better day tomorrow. And a Happy New Year. And a bottle of clam broth. Mmmmm, dee-licious clam broth. I like to drink it out of an old boot that's had dog hair in it. That really stinks the taste right up. Well, see ya, it's time to go for a little rubber room trip with the men in white. Not whote, you doofus, what the heck is whote. The past tense of white? Anyway, I wonder if they have any clam broth. Mmmm, dee-licious clam broth. The drink of the gods, if the gods were really, really stupid. Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeee.
(And eat all your french fries)
Oh, right, the clams! Here's them clams:
Squidward (huh?)
Felix K.